What is a diet? BASICS!!!

Hi everyone!
in this article we will explore WHAT IS A DIET.

Hi All...


So simply what we eat on an everyday basis is called a DIET.
it determines how we look and how we feel  and that in term will reflects what we will achieve in our life physically and mentally as well

diet is a selected food that a person chooses to consume in order to control weight or for some medical reasons ,one of the most common goals that people have is to be in a great physical shape and some times it means loosing some weight or other times it means gaining some weight.


as an old saying "what we eat is what we are"
this expression  has been traced back to Anthelme Brillat-Savarin in 1826 ,in his book THE PHYSIOLOGY OF TASTE ,
He wrote "tell me what you eat and i will tell you what you are".
we all can agree in literal sense that its true in both ways scientifically and naturally as well. 

"you are what you eat"

As some researches tell us that food effects the persons mood through physiological mechanism, some foods makes you feel happy and some effects vise versa ,so food choices ,attributes and intakes really very effects our body, mind  and lifestyle .

Nutrients from the food we eat provide the foundation of the structure ,function, texture and wholeness of every little cell in our body.
from the shine or dullness of our skin and hair to our bones, digestive system and immunities strength or weakness ,it all depends on what are our food intakes in daily basis.

So if you care of yourself  then one of your most important concern should be your diet .


For loosing or gaining weight while people quick to get gym membership they don't pay too much attention to the food  that they're consuming 
you can be hitting gym 7days a week or running everyday and still struggles to loose or gain your weight, is that your ultimate goal?
That is not only weight management it also plays an important roll in your energy levels and productivity.
with every meal that we eat we consume calories and total caloric intake will determine if you'll be able to loose or gain your weight.

in addition to calories we have to look a 3 main macronutrients  of food 
1 carbohydrate 
2 protein 
3 fat
You can calculate your TDEE or total energy expenditure, once you do that you will know how much calories and how many grams of carbohydrate ,protein and fat you have to consume on daily basis.

in conclusion our dietary habits and choices plays significant roll in the quality of our health and lifestyle .

OFCOURSE we all are familiar of "Health is wealth" phrase from our childhood it is actually simplest way to sum up most important thing to understand and try to follow in our life for our good health , peace and happiness.



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