
GO,GLOW and GROW Food Groups.

GO,GLOW and GROW Food Groups. Hi all! 😊 today we talk about food groups and our body's mechanism in simplest way. how our body take energy from foods that we eat and how it uses this energy on daily basis. are you ready to learn? okay , lets begin. food is essential in our living and  growing  our body needs it to become healthier  and stronger  without food we cannot move and do  our tasks every day why  because if there is no food then we  don't have  energy. have you experienced skipping  meal on a day or not eating food and  breakfast  lunch or dinner? what happened to you? you become lazy  and looks pale because you don't have  energy. About the three simple food groups Did you know that the food  you are eating every day are classified  into three groups let me tell you about three basic food  groups , what do you call these foods? these are energy giving foods or we call it as GO foods these are foods rich in carbohydrates  from the word itself go means that you  ar

What is a diet? BASICS!!!

💚💚💚 Hi everyone! in this article we will explore WHAT IS A DIET. Hi All... WHAT IS DIET? So simply what we eat on an everyday basis is called a DIET. it determines how we look and how we feel  and that in term will reflects what we will achieve in our life physically and mentally as well diet is a selected food that a person chooses to consume in order to control weight or for some medical reasons ,one of the most common goals that people have is to be in a great physical shape and some times it means loosing some weight or other times it means gaining some weight. IS OUR FOOD CHOICES HAD ANY IMPACT ON OUR BODY AND MIND? as an old saying "what we eat is what we are" this expression  has been traced back to Anthelme Brillat-Savarin in 1826 ,in his book THE PHYSIOLOGY OF TASTE , He wrote "tell me what you eat and i will tell you what you are". we all can agree in literal sense that its true in both ways scientifically and naturally as well.  "you are what you