5 beneficial and healthy foods!!!



beans lentils peas soybeans there's so
many legumes that it's hard to pick just
one and different countries have access to
different types of legumes but overall it's said that eating legumes can lower your cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease eating enough of these foods can make you feel full a bit faster which will keep you from eating in excess and can eventually help you lose weight with any hope at least.


some people call it a fruit some other
consider it a veggie but the one thing we all need to know is that tomatoes are very good for our health and well if we want to get technical they're fruits not veggies
even though we usually eat them with
other veggies but anyway tomatoes are loaded with potassium vitamin c and other nutrients that can help you prevent cancer and heart disease.

  • 3 KALE

if you like salads then you probably
love kale this leaf has become widely popular in recent years not only is it a crunchy veggie but it's also one that is packed with plenty of vitamins and minerals more than many other leafy greens it also has powerful antioxidants and it's one of the best sources of vitamin k which is important for your blood.


for some people avocado is a fruit that you use with salads guacamole dressings and other savory stuff but in some places people also make cakes ice cream and many other sweet dishes with it
but whether you like it sweet or savory avocado can bring a lot of health
benefits to your body it has more potassium than bananas and lots of healthy fats and fiber it can also help you lose weight and relieve some of the symptoms of arthritis it sounds like avocados can help keep your body healthy in many different ways.


Cocoa is rich in flavanols, which are plant chemicals that are great for health. The unique flavan-3-ols in cacao beans are what gives pure cocoa a bitter taste. Because cocoa's flavanols have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and free-radical scavenging properties and dark chocolate has a high concentration of cocoa,it might help to
Protect Your Heart,Reduce the Risk of Diabetes, lower blood pressure and improves your vision as well.

hope you learned something new


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